I could make this entry LONG with details, but I will try to summarize and keep it short. (really hard for a preacher sometimes) Anyway, if you were in Enid America this weekend at all, then you know that it rained from Thursday night till Sunday afternoon. It had some times of letting up and medium downpours, but it was pretty steady.
Our roof in the sanctuary needs to be replaced. It's been leaking since April of last year when we got hit by a wind and hail storm. We've been waiting on the insurance company to decide what they are going to do on our claim. Friday it was leaking in about 5 places all around the sanctuary. We had tarps down and buckets everywhere. It was a sight. I prayed Friday and Saturday that God would help to ease the rain out of here by Sunday morning. As you can imagine, it could be really distracting for a worship service to have the drip, drip, etc.
Now for the miracle. I get up Sunday, and God has not answered my prayers, at least the way I wanted Him to. It was raining steadily Sunday morning, a light to medium rain. I knew that the sanctuary would be leaking and I was coming up with contingency plans in my head on to handle it.
I get here Sunday morning to church, and I walk into the sanctuary. The worship team is already practicing. I'm looking around for tarps and buckets and I see nothing. I'm thinking that it's leaking, but they took them up for the service later because they look so tacky. As I walk around I'm amazed. It's not leaking. It's pouring rain outside and it's not leaking at all like it was before. I was dumbfounded. Truly amazed. It was as if God put His hand over our roof so it wouldn't leak and it wouldn't distract from worship and the Word. I found my vision restored and my faith renewed by this miracle. Praise the Lord!
Now you may think that was not a big deal. If you saw how much it was leaking before and how hard and steady it was raining with no leaks then, you would stand amazed too. I just can't get over it, and I'm so thankful to God for it. He still amazes me!
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