Sunday, September 28, 2008
30th Anniversary Pic
Here's a pic from the 30th anniversary weekend. This was everyone who was at the reunion from the "youth group of the 90's era", except for Tricia Coontz and my wife. Pretty decent looking group after all these years. Bob and Robin Beltz are in the middle. They were our youth ministers for all of those tough teenage years.

First Message
I was so excited to share my first message with the people at Oakwood today. I felt like God had been working with me on it for 2 weeks now. It was time to "let it all out!" It was truly a blessing. I appreciated the elders and church body coming forward and praying for me. It's great to feel so loved on and supported by so many. I got a little teary-eyed during the prayer time. When I stood up, I asked Tracy, the head elder, "And I'm supposed to preach after that?" It was a defining moment in my life and ministry. There are many people who are very near and dear to my heart who are praying and pulling for me as God's man to lead Oakwood and it's very humbling to been in that position. But then again, I think that's exactly where God wants me to be, on my knees before Him.
Thank you God for using me. I pray that I would please you first and foremost as I serve in this position.
Thank you God for using me. I pray that I would please you first and foremost as I serve in this position.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Leave a comment
If you want to comment on anything, please leave a comment. It's really easy. Just click below where it says "comments" and we'll see what you have to say too. It looks like there's about 60 of you that read this every week. So, don't be bashful. Let your voice be heard! Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Over, Rover
The 30th anniversary is over. It was a great 4 days. It was great to have new and old faces alike in our services. Now it's time to spread the gospel and disciple people. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready to get on with it (after I sleep for a couple of days, I'm tired!).
I'm praying that everyone in our church will be here this Sunday. I'm excited about the message and excited about what God will do through it. It's one of those "foundational" ones that will blaze the path for us as we move ahead. I'm excited and humbled to be the Senior Pastor at such a great church. I'm just ready to now do what I feel God has wired me for and been getting ready for me to do for years...lead!
I'm praying that everyone in our church will be here this Sunday. I'm excited about the message and excited about what God will do through it. It's one of those "foundational" ones that will blaze the path for us as we move ahead. I'm excited and humbled to be the Senior Pastor at such a great church. I'm just ready to now do what I feel God has wired me for and been getting ready for me to do for years...lead!
Monday, September 22, 2008
It's been a good weekend. Many people from the past history of our church were able to join us for the 30th celebration. It's always good to remember the people who were a part of your faith development. God puts special people in all of our lives as we pursue Him. These people are the true friends that encourage us in the faith and push us forward in Christ. They are also the people who are there for you in the really tough times. Sometimes I wish that those REAL relationships would be more quickly fostered inside the church today. Which begs 2 questions: Who is your spiritual mentor? AND Who are you encouraging in the faith?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
As I've moved offices this week, I've begun to declutter my office a bit. Well, truthfully, I've decluttered a whole lot. With a nice push from my wife, we've accomplished a lot! (Well, maybe it was a shove perhaps). It's hard to part with things sometimes. It's hard to let books, souvenirs, trinkets, decorations the things that are a part of our life that we do not want to part with. I was sad when I had to see a few KC Chiefs items go to His Helping Hands today. But afterward, the pain is gone. When I go into my new office now, it seems cleaner and spacious. My drawers and trays no longer runneth over. It's been more freeing than painful. Now I'm in the "get rid of it" mode and my wife is milking it for all it's worth. But it's good to declutter our lives sometimes. Then we find out what we really need and what's really important. I feel freed up and less stressed. Maybe everyone should declutter (and give it to His Helping Hands)!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How humbling and amazing has this week been. I was affirmed as the Senior Pastor of Oakwood by 93+% on Sunday. The overwhelming gamut of emotions was, well, overwhelming to Amy and I. It's a HUGE responsibility, but God is leading us in this ministry and I'm glad we get to do it here in Enid at Oakwood. With God on your team, anything is possible! This is a great church with huge potential. Now it's my job to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable as we move forward to win the lost and build the saints. I thank the Lord for everything!
So where do I go from here? I hit the ground running this week! I'm still (it's Wednesday!) trying to move offices, but other than that, life is swell. Busy days ahead and a lot of ministry. Hopefully and prayerfully, a lot of changed lives for the Kingdom too. Praise the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!
An update on Izzy, she took about 5 steps tonight. Everyday she's getting a little braver. She does this lean forward head first thing when she'd trying to walk, but has seemed to try to walk upright tonight. We're excited. She's growing up fast.
So where do I go from here? I hit the ground running this week! I'm still (it's Wednesday!) trying to move offices, but other than that, life is swell. Busy days ahead and a lot of ministry. Hopefully and prayerfully, a lot of changed lives for the Kingdom too. Praise the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!
An update on Izzy, she took about 5 steps tonight. Everyday she's getting a little braver. She does this lean forward head first thing when she'd trying to walk, but has seemed to try to walk upright tonight. We're excited. She's growing up fast.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Izzy's Standing Up
The littlest Keller was standing up last night. She's been standing for about 3 month now. But, last night, she stood with no hands. I think that she forgot about hanging on to something. She stood there for about 30 seconds holding a toy. Then, she sat down and started crawling. She can walk anytime she wants to. She's got the balance and does great behind walking toys and the like. It's just a matter of confidence I think. My prediction is 2 weeks. Within the next 2 weeks sometime the Keller household will have all walkers and no crawlers. Pretty crazy. They grow up so fast.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Maddy's First Phone Call
Madalyn had her first phone conversation today with a little friend from school. My first grader is growing up. It was really weird. When I got home from the church, she was on the phone and I assumed that she was talking to one of her Grandmas or something. Then, as I listened to the awkward conversation unfold, I realized that it must have been another fellow first grader. Needless to say, phone etiquette will need to be worked on (on both ends), but it was just weird for her daddy. It was like I flashed forward to the years ahead when sometime she would be on the phone at 14 talking to a friend.
It's amazing how fast our kids grow up and how you realize everyday that you will never turn the clock back to yesterday. So, I'm cherishing every moment as we went to the backyard and played soccer tonight. It won't be long before she won't be interested in that anymore. Time is short. Don't squander it with your kids...and always be there.
It's amazing how fast our kids grow up and how you realize everyday that you will never turn the clock back to yesterday. So, I'm cherishing every moment as we went to the backyard and played soccer tonight. It won't be long before she won't be interested in that anymore. Time is short. Don't squander it with your kids...and always be there.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Over, Rover
Well, the day has passed and survival was had. Actually, I appreciated the Q & A time spent with the congregation on Sunday. The line of questioning was mainly excellent, and I enjoyed being able to share my heart and vision for God's church. This Sunday is the vote and that is the easy part for me. Amy and I have nothing to do with that. God is in control of the outcome there and it will be what God wants it to be. I'm just humbled to be His servant, wherever He decides to put me.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Big Day
Tomorrow afternoon is the big Q & A session. I'm looking forward to it from the standpoint of being able to share the vision and direction that God has given me for Oakwood. On the other hand, it's very nerve-racking from the standpoint that you can be asked anything (plus it's an open forum so anything can happen). Just praying for God's speed to get Amy and I through this time. I'm looking forward to the future and hope that as we arrive there, we will be able to look back at all of this and smile.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
When people join
This past week has been a blessing to me. I love it when you see God tangibly at work, moving in the hearts of His people. I had several people come forward to talk about serving in ministry after last week's message. I'm excited how God is going to use these willing workers to further His plan and purposes for saving the lost.
On Sunday we had 1 individual and 2 families join the fellowship at Oakwood. It is good to see the commitment from new people as they join us to further the Gospel and to have fellowship with an awesome body of believers. I'm excited whenever God brings any new people into our fellowship. It means that there is new growth and a possibility for expansion of ministry through new people. I'm thankful for being a very small part of what God is doing and for Him allowing all of us to see it!
I love this church. God has used it in the past to do great and mighty things. I'm praying everyday that God will do more of His great and mighty things in the very near future. I think that perhaps we are starting to see it right now. Praise God! I'm just happy to be a part of what He is already doing!
On Sunday we had 1 individual and 2 families join the fellowship at Oakwood. It is good to see the commitment from new people as they join us to further the Gospel and to have fellowship with an awesome body of believers. I'm excited whenever God brings any new people into our fellowship. It means that there is new growth and a possibility for expansion of ministry through new people. I'm thankful for being a very small part of what God is doing and for Him allowing all of us to see it!
I love this church. God has used it in the past to do great and mighty things. I'm praying everyday that God will do more of His great and mighty things in the very near future. I think that perhaps we are starting to see it right now. Praise God! I'm just happy to be a part of what He is already doing!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Well, well
Abigail is well. Just thought that I'd update in case you read the last blog. Her fever broke about noon today and she's back to being our little sparkplug. Thanks for your prayers and thank God for His goodness!
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