Sunday, August 23, 2009

TV & the Chiefs

I really don't watch a whole lot of television. When I actually sit in front of that thing, I feel guilty and look up at the clock and think, there went another hour of my life. Wasted! Anyway, Amy and I have discussed at LENGTH getting rid of the TV and saving that money for something else or giving more to the church. I really have only one hold-up. Football, but especially the Chiefs. Yes, I'm a KC fan and everyone knows it. It really doesn't matter how bad they stink, I'm still going to want to watch them. It's my most favorite thing to watch on TV. The only other things I enjoy watching are golf and basketball. Oh, ya, almost forgot. I do like watching the Sooners too. College football is alright. I especially like watching the BIG 12 play.

As for TV shows, I don't really watch much. I'm wondering how much people do. Everything I read says that it's one of the biggest competitors for people's time. Really, watching TV? Sounds harmless...unless it runs your life. But I do wonder this...what if we spent more time listening to God's Word and reading God's Word? If we were committed to reading the Bible as much as we are committed to reading the daily newspaper, I wonder how much more happy, fulfilled, and secure in Christ we'd be?! I know one thing for sure, the Bible changes lives. If we could turn off our favorite program for one hour and just read it, take it in, think about it a little bit, God can use it to do some amazing things in our hearts and lives. I think that's when He shows us how we can take hold of "the life that is truly life" 1 Timothy 6:19.

I was thinking today that I guess I'm just ready for fall. I'm ready for the cooler weather and all that brings. I'm ready for all of the fall stuff with the church. I'm ready for all of the candy collection for FOL to begin. I'm ready to get the dinosaur guy here who's coming in November with Creation Truth Foundation. I'm ready for God to bring it all in and pour it on me...with a little football on top. Go Chiefs and go Sooners!!!!

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