Monday, November 24, 2008

Bible Belt

I've been watching all of the doom and gloom of economic news every day. I think that it's hard to avoid it if you are an American. It's everywhere. I've heard several financial analysts over the last few days that say the economy is not as bad in the south, southwest, and midwest. The housing market in these places aren't bad, in fact, some are still growing. Last night on Fox News, one guy mentioned that things are horrible in New England, California, Las Vegas, but that places like Dallas, Houston, and Oklahoma City and other places in the center of the country are actually doing okay. I found this very interesting. He went on to say that on the coasts, everybody is frantic and panicked about the economy and finances, but in the Bible Belt center of the country, there's concern, but no one's freaking out about it.

I that because the good 'ole Bible Belt states have faith? Could it be that God is taking care of His people? Maybe it's just that when Jesus is your Lord, things like the economy aren't eternal so Christians don't waste time worrying about temporal things. Or perhaps God is supernaturally taking care of the Bible Belt folks.

I don't have all of the answers. I do know that when I heard the interviews and saw the report, it confirmed a lot of what I had been feeling myself. Things aren't that bad in Enid, OK. We have several business people in the church that I've spoken with over the last few months that confirm that things "aren't that bad here!" Praise the Lord! God is taking care of us, period! Whether He's taking care of this part of the country in a supernatural way by sustaining our businesses, or God's people just don't sweat the economy because our faith is in Him, God is seeing us through. Just as He always has, God takes care of His people.

Let me clarify that I'm not saying that God is pouring judgement on California or something. Just a few weeks ago, the great people of California passed an amendment known as Prop. 8 to most of us that protects the sanctity of marriage. There are some great, great brothers and sisters in the Lord that live in these places where the economy is bad. I'm not saying that God is absent from their lives or situations. He may be supernaturally protecting the Christians in those places as well! I'm just pointing out what I see and hear about the economy is not that true for here and I want to give God the glory for that. Go Bible Belt!

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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