Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day of Reckoning

Today is the day of reckoning for America. I've felt this way for weeks now. This election may decide whether we are to remain "One nation, under God". This election will determine if we are a Christian nation or not. This may be the one where God steps back a little bit and says, "Alright then, have it your way." We've asked God to leave our schools, our government , our subjective morality, and to leave us alone. God is always sovereign and in control. I think that lately he feels like we don't really want him anymore as a nation. There is so much on the line here. I'm just praying and begging that God's will be done. Tomorrow we will all wake up and there will be a new elected president. We must remember though, no matter our circumstances, when we get up tomorrow, God will still be on the throne!!! That's something to celebrate, regardless of the outcome of this election!

1 comment:

sara krahulec said...

Eric, I could not agree more.....and like we talked about Wed. night it came down to GREED!!

By the way we love the blogging!!